Wednesday, February 21, 2007


IndexFinger #2 is part of a photographic video portrait series on the decisive role of a gesture, namely the index finger, throughout the history of religion, philosophy, and pop-culture. #2 is a psycho-dramatic imitation of Leonarda Da Vinci's famous oil painting, Saint John the Baptist, painted between 1513-1516, housed in the Louvre, Paris. Da Vinci's paintings often depict esoteric, androgynous characters with a slight touch of an almost diabolic darkness. John the Baptist shows the saint pointing towards somebody else, the gesture of a disciple towards his master. The video portraits were created by Richard Jochum and greatly supported by Aphrodite Desiree Navab. Altogether they constitute a tryptich installation which will be part of the group exhibition, "What's Good Must Not Necessarily Be Evil", at Kunstraum Vaduz, Liechtenstein in April/May 2007.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

also wirklich, die haare haettest du dir schon entfernen koennen um damit den androgynen charakter zu unterstreichen. waere in kairo wenig kosten- dafuer umso schmerzintensiver jederzeit moeglich gewesen!

sibha-fotos find ich uebrigens super, aber das gehoert eigentlich nicht hierher.

bussi vom nachbar-blog
